Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Preparation for 2nd podcast

I'm starting work on the 2nd podcast. Christmas edition. This time it will be more organized, since people might play the show during the christmas season.In other words, it will be done in a way such that you can play it out at home for everyone to listen to. :)

In the meantime, the playreading for my musical "Closer to Your Heart" will happen this Sunday. I just received word that Dick Lee will be offering his assistance to the team as a mentor. Cool bananas. I hope that everyone will be impressed with the musical. They have to.

Back at home, things are maintaining at a certain miserable level. I'm clinging on to my love for music, God, my mum and my brother. If not for these things, i'd have gone insane.
I've been wanting to put up pictures of my room/studio and my new toy, but hav'nt had the chance to do so. Will probably update this post with the pictures when i get home tonight.
Till then, take care!


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