Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Another cooking entry!

Ok now.. Got home tonight and decided not only to cook, but to take pictures and blog about it. Kinda makes the whole cooking experience a little more interesting.
I made noodles again, my favourite. Together with prawn/shrimp omlette with spring onions/chives. This omlette, is one of, if not the favourite dishes that i like, and could just eat with a bowl of rice.
Anyway, i thought of giving a detailed account of how i cooked this shitty dinner, but it'd make my blog look like some flog (Food-Log), which it's not, and i'm no expert chef either. So, i'll just briefly explain with the pictures.

Main Ingredients: 3 Eggs, 4 prawns, Spring onions

Deshell the prawns and dump the shells+heads into the pot of boiling water to make the broth.

Slice up the prawns into halves, chop up 2 prawns for the omlette.

It's a 3 egg omlette. :)

Dump spring onions, chopped prawns, soy sauce, some sugar, some salt and beat with eggs.

Fry some finely chopped garlic...

..Followed by the prawns...

Time to fry the omlette..

These are the lovely noodles i use.

Cook em' noodles.

Eggs are cookin' nicely.

And the finished product.

My noodles.

My omlette.

It tasted ok. I forgot to add something to the soup, so it did'nt taste perfect.. but omlette was perfect.
After dinner, i was supposed to make some coffee from my usual Nescafe 3in1 Regular. Then an idea struck me, and i just went ahead with it. Combine 1 packet of Nescafe 3in1 Regular with 1 Packet of Milo 3in1. The result? Hot Mocha. hahaha... Thats all folks.


11/09/2005 05:42:00 PM

Aik Cheong(or Cheng)'s 3 in 1 white coffee is the best!!! must have!


Posted by Anonymous Anonymous

11/09/2005 06:33:00 PM

hmmm.. local brand ah ?

Posted by Blogger Frederico

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