Friday, March 17, 2006

Closer to Your Heart: A Musical by Mohd Shaiful & Frederick Lin

The musical i've been working on is finally complete, and the response so far to the preview has been excellent. As a matter of fact, out of sheer luck, my Finale song will be the ending track on the commemorative CD (Which will be available on the actual day of the performance). I'm honoured, and very happy that i'm finally getting some acknowledgement for my music.
Closer to Your Heart is on Day 2 of the musical spree, which is on the 25th of March, Saturday.
For $20, you get to watch 2 musicals, Moon People and Closer to Your Heart. Mine will be the 2nd performance.
Do check it out if you have time. I wrote all the songs in the musical, and 95% of the lyrics.
For more information about what we're doing in this Next Wave project, hop over to
Call early, and book your tickets at : 6332 6919 .
And this is our poster.


3/18/2006 12:18:00 AM


"Close to you.. i promise to be true.. no matter what it takes.. i will forsake.. to live my life as full as i can just for you!!!"

Fred composes some of the most beautiful sogs i've evr heard! Kudos Fred! 

Posted by SHAHDON

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