Saturday, February 25, 2006

My saturday breakfast pwns.

I look forward to weekends for many reasons. One of which is the weekend breakfast.
I tend to make my weekend breakfast as enjoyable as i can, coz it's the only 2 days where i actually have time to enjoy a nice breakfast.
This weekend, inspired by ChubbyHubby's recent cheeseburger post, i decided to make Cheese Muffin! It's a very sinful muffin sandwich, but extremely... extremely... tasty...

  1. Start by frying your bacon as normal, with abit of oil. I used 2 strips of streaky bacon, cut into half. So that's 4 pieces in total.
  2. After bacon is done, put the bacon aside, and crack an egg directly into the grease left over by the bacon, and stir the eggs in the pan until they're cooked. Once they're done, put aside. It takes about 1-2 minutes for the eggs to be done. You shouldn't have much grease left in the pan, it should've been absorbed by the egg.
  3. Turn down the heat, add a slab of butter, and brown the cut sides of your muffins. Let it grill for about 3-5 mins, the upside should be soft, while the cut side should be crispy.
  4. Put the 2 pieces of muffin on a plate, 2 pieces of bacon on the bottom side, eggs on top, and another 2 pieces of bacon on top.
  5. Cut about 2 slices of cheddar, put em' on top of the top side of the muffin, and put them in a conventional oven for about 5 mins to melt the cheese. Watch out for the muffin getting burnt though.
  6. When the cheese has melted, just put the 2 sides of the muffins together, and it's done!



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