Sunday, April 09, 2006

A new song for ya'll

Took a big load off my back today. Completed and delivered 1 project. It was a success.
Today was a pretty significant day in my life. I sang a song, and moved an 82 year old man to tears. Anyway, i'll be working on some of my own stuff for awhile from now on, expect alot of songs to come.. i have like 4 songs that i'm about to release out...
Here's 1.. but it's not an original song... a very -very- nice christian song by Hillsongs .. So You Would Come.. enjoy it.


The file is named mpx, but save it as an mp3. Reason for naming it mpx is so that if you click on it, it won't autoplay in quicktime, rather open up the save as dialogue.

PS: anyone knows anyone working at Yamaha ? I'd really really really really be grateful if i could get a keyboard from Yamaha with the staff 25% discount...


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