看见你 那苗条的背影千言万语 数不清
我没能力 表达我的心意
如果有一天再有个机会, 我一定会从新追求你
posted by Frederico @ 2:27 AM
About The Winterealm Blog
Hi! My name is Frederick. I'm an aspiring home music producer/arranger/singer. I run a site featuring the music i write, produce and sing at http://www.Winterealm.com . This blog is a journal of my life, and the other love of my life, cooking. My occasional music podcast, The Winterealm Show is also featured here. It's essentially a pre-recorded music show where i sing and play on the keyboard live on the set.
24 Year old Singer-Songwriter currently with Rhythmiz Productions, and Assistant Producer for Musical Theatre Society. Will be flying off to Canada come August 2007 for futher studies.
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