Do YOU want to SING in a Musical???
THE NEXT WAVE III of Original Singapore Musicals
Can you sing and act? If so, you may be the one we're looking for.
You are invited to audition for SIX Exciting Original READINGS to be
staged on 23-25 JUNE 2006 as part of the Singapore Festival of Arts
fringe at The Drama Centre Black Box, National Library.
Performers for the readings will be given a small honorarium.
Interested parties may walk in for an audition. If you would like to
confirm your schedule, please contact Tamara at 81134292 or email
DATE : Saturday 1 April 2006
Sunday 2 April 2006
TIME : 3:00 to 6:00 pm
PLACE : The Next Stage Academy, 420 Clemenceau Avenue
North, adjacent to the carpark at Newton Food Centre. It's opposite
Cairnhill CC , 5 mins walk from Newton MRT.
Please prepare TWO BROADWAY SONGS (One slow/ One Fast) that will show
your RANGE and EXPRESSION. These songs are to be sung acapella or
accompanied by your own minus one. Bring along a photograph (any photo
will do) and your bio-data/resume if possible.
A tender love story set in a Singapore brothel around the turn of the
19-20th century.
a) Lim Boon Keng: m 36 : A prominent community leader and Member of
the Legislative Council
b) Ah Lin: f 16 : Young novice prostitute
c) Mama: f 40 : Brothel Keeper,
d) Kong: m 55 : A crippled soup-hawker, a dirty old man.
e) May Lee: f 32 : A prostitute.
f) Marakusa: f 28 : A Japanese courtesan.
g) The Boss: m 40 : Gangster
h) Hong Chai: m 21 : A hunky porter-coolie.
Ensemble: Marakusa's little maid., policemen, rickshaw coolies,
gangsters, prostitutes.
Comedy about 4 ladies obsessed about their external appearances, but
learn about internal appearances.
a) Cleo : f 20+; Pimply faced.
b) Victoria: f 20+ ;Fat.
c) Becky: f 20+; Flat-chested.
d) Letchmi: f ; Dark-skinned.
e) Susanne: f 20+ ;Short.
f) Lee: m 20+ ;Sales promoter.
g) Sean: m 20+ ; Victoria's boyfriend.
h) Samuel: m 20+ ; Becky's brother.
i) Mr Tan: m 20+; Cleo's office colleague.
Ensemble: Boss, cleaner, chorus
A musical inspired by the mysterious demise of the ancient South
American Empire - the Teotihuacans - more than one millennium ago.
a) Zelch: m 20+ Charming and playful, reflective.
b) Taloc: m 20+ Handsome and refined, romantic prince.
c) Renoa: f 20+ Beautiful and kind-hearted.
d) Shaman: m 30-40 The religious leader of the Teotihuacans/
e) King: m 40-50 King of the Teotihuacans. An enlightened, wise leader.
f) Queen: f 40-50 A refined yet playful mother of the empire.
g) Ensemble of 6 characters. The ensemble sings and dances and plays
different roles throughout the musical.
A jazz musical dramedy about being single and swinging.
a) Mdm Goh: f late 60's Charming in a motherly way.
b) Natalie Koh: f late 30's Not-so-tall, but slender and petite.
c) Ray Rosario: m late 30's Eurasian, prim & proper, gay.
d) Fred Lee: m early 30's Single, young boyish looks, average buid.
e) Mr Koh: m mid 60's Stout, divorced, young-at-heart.
Romantic comedy set in a bridal store about a woman who meets an
attractive man just before her wedding. Modern, executive, pseudo-New
York setting
a) Jeremy: m late 20s - co-owner of bridal shop, serious and hardworking
b) Julian - m late 20s - half brother of Jeremy, co-owner of bridal
shop, flirty and fun loving
c) Nadia: f early 20s, sweet and slightly pampered daughter of a tycoon
d) Evangeline: f late 20s, confident, fun loving, about to be married
e) Bryan: m late 20s, gentle, about to be married
f) Alexander Aidan: m mid 40s, rich flamboyant tycoon
Singapore 1890: a young doctor is inspired by the love of a singing
girl to devote his life to public service.
a) Lim m 20+ Young hero
b) Lily f 20+ Heroine, about same age: classic voice
c) Baba Ong m 50+ Lim's uncle, bass
d) Auntie 50+ Brothel keeper
e) Kitty 20+ Young prostitute
f) Dr Mugliston Doctor m 40+ "patter" type of songs
g) J J James 30+ a Whitehall bureaucrat
Closer to Your Heart - A Success!
Last Saturday's musical was a huge success. We were sold out, much to my alarm because i had told my friends that tickets would be available in abundance on the actual day. Fortunately i did manage to get tickets for them at the last minute.
We arrived at 3 in the afternoon, everyone's nerves were just building and building..from our rehearsal till 10mins before our actual performance...
But at the end of the day... it was probably the last time we'll perform this act... so everyone agreed to give it their all... and that we did... and blew the audience away. (even our director).
People were weeping, and we received applaud for nearly every song sung.
I would like to take this time to thank my beloved cast, for doing such a great job with my music, for enduring the rehearsals and recording sessions... for having to adhere to me and Hawk's vocal expectations.... because of everyone 's hard work, the musical was a success.
Don't know what'll be in stored for the future now, but i hope that we'll have a chance to work together once more, someday. :)
I will break some rules, and put up some songs from the musical on my music site sometime later... Till then, i'll be busy recording/producing new pop songs, as well as making the new Winterealm site. Keep ya'll posted. Cheers!
Ps: On a side note, i don't know if she's crazy, really thoughtful, or just have alot of free time, but my friend
Miss A, has compiled a must-have warddrobe list for guys.
Check it out here.
Final Promo for my musical
Ok guys... The musical that i have been working on will be showing tomorrow.
It's titled
Closer to Your Heart. The story and script was written by
Mohd Shaifulburi, a very promising writer/director.
The music, is composed and arranged by yours truly. I will also be acting/singing in it for a couple of scenes.
The story is about a broken family and how the members deal with their problems, only to find their relationships drifting further instead.
Mae had lost her husband after moving to Singapore, and 1 of her 2 sons shortly died after... Leaving her with her rebellious son.
The musical will be held at
The Artshouse, which is located behind Victoria Theatre.
Tickets will be available at the door, and will buy you 2 musicals. Moon People, and Closer to Your Heart. First show starts at 8pm, Mine starts at 9pm .
If you don't have anything on tomorrow evening, you might want to consider attending.. since $20 for 2 musicals is pretty cheap! Support local productions! And this is probably the last you will hear from me regarding saturday's performance. :)
Closer to Closer to Your Heart
Pardon the pun.. haha... Did the recording for the comemmorative at Stereo Image Productions yesterday after work. Ended at about 11:30pm, had dinner and then took a cab back.
The recording went pretty well, especially for first timer Shahddon, it was quite daunting for him. But he pulled it off. I'm just glad my coaching during his takes helped him and solved his problems..
So i'm really honoured and happy, that ours is the only musical to have 3 tracks in the CD, aside from ending the CD. I also have my name plastered ALL over.
Composer: Frederick LinArranger : Frederick LinLyricist: Frederick LinAssistant Producer: Frederick LinPerformed by: Frederick LinI saw a preview of the programme guide for the night, and i'm just glad that i used a good picture of myself, coz, there are 2 profiles of me in the book. Once in the composer section, and the other in the Cast section.
In anycase, i think i'm drawing alot of attention. Just hope the attention will be good, and come from good sources.
Closer to Your Heart: A Musical by Mohd Shaiful & Frederick Lin

The musical i've been working on is finally complete, and the response so far to the preview has been excellent. As a matter of fact, out of sheer luck, my Finale song will be the ending track on the commemorative CD (Which will be available on the actual day of the performance). I'm honoured, and very happy that i'm finally getting some acknowledgement for my music.
Closer to Your Heart is on Day 2 of the musical spree, which is on the 25th of March, Saturday.
For $20, you get to watch 2 musicals, Moon People and Closer to Your Heart. Mine will be the 2nd performance.
Do check it out if you have time. I wrote all the songs in the musical, and 95% of the lyrics.
For more information about what we're doing in this Next Wave project, hop over to early, and book your tickets at :
6332 6919 .
And this is our poster.
Freakin' tired.....
I havn't had less than 5 hours of sleep and still made it to work for as far as i can remember. Yet, today i did. Only slept 4 hours last night, coz i was rushing songs for Closer to Your Heart, the musical i wrote. There's a technical rehearsal today and i had to get all my songs ready, as well as finalize and prepare 3 of the songs that will be featured on the commemorative CD.
The CD will be sold, will put up details at a later date if you're interested.
I hope i don't fall ill, have rehearsals on Wed and Thurs as well... But i can feel my body breaking down already... been feeling groggy all day.
I'll put up the poster for the musical event soon, for the time being, i dont' want to steal your attention away from a bigger event,
Dave's Stroud's visit to Singapore. Check the preceeding post. :)
Dave Stroud MasterClass @ Singapore

Dave Stroud, Master vocal coach is coming to Singapore in April to promote and launch SLS in Singapore. He will be conductin 2 masterclasses, and private lessons for the week. Check out the flyer if you're interested.
Daniel Singh, Singapore's 1st and only SLS Certified teacher is hosting this event. Check out for more details on the event, and to sign up.
A sleepy Monday...
Today has been amazingly sleepy, yet busy. I started work on the new Winterealm site yesterday, and it's progressing really well. It'll be a good site when it's done, and will last at least 2-3 years.
Skipped lunch today as usual, so i can focus on the greater meal of the day, Dinner!
I still have 1 piece of Mentaiko left, and i need to finish it before it spoils.
I'm a little tired of Mentaiko Pasta though... so i've been thinking all day what to do with it.
I've decided to settle for a simple meal tonight.
- A simple miso soup with tofu
- Freshly cooked rice with nori and tobiko sprinkled over it
- Half of the mentaiko as a sidedish of its own
- The other half, mixed with 2 eggs as an omlette.
Sounds good.
Mentaiko Pasta Debut!

Second food post in a day! I went to get my hair cut at Far East Plaza today, after which, i decided to drop by the supermarket at Isetan. Why there? Because being a japanese supermarket, it packs ALOT of goodies than you can't find elsewhere.
Ever since reading about
Mentaiko Pasta on ChubbyHubby's, i had been dying to try it out, given it's simplicity to create. But the main reason is, i wish to know if it tastes as good as it looks. I have no idea how mentaiko tastes like, so it was quite exciting.
The packet of mentaiko. Looked a little appalling. Especially the thought of it being eaten raw.
Mentaiko in it's sags look like a raw piece of organ, specifically, a kidney.
Anyway, i bought my goods, got home and cooked it as soon as i could. Whipped out the camera and took a few shots. This is the first time i have prepared a 'high class' dish, and presented it nicely. I think i give myself 7/10. The taste, was not disappointing. :)
For the recipe i based tonight's dinner on, check out
CH's Mentaiko Pasta post.
My version of it is slightly more sinful though. Actually features 3 whole strips of bacon, together with 1 shredded bacon sauteed with the onions. The rest of it is exactly the same as his recipe.
Thanks CH, for introducing this to me.
Ramly Burger Debut!

I finished vocal training late last night, and didn't exactly have anything planned for dinner. Walking past the night market set up near my home, i noticed a stall selling the famous Ramly Burger. I don't really know the origins of this humble burger, but it has been popularize by the Malaysians apparently.
Essentially, it's a burger with a meat patty, a very thin omlette, diced onions, cheese, mayo and an unknown (to me) dark sauce.
The burgers are freshly made on the spot upon request. Watching the person make the burger is kinda interesting for the first timer, because it involves some flair and stylistic moves, which seperates one ramly stall from another. You'd see the cook tossing the sauce cans in the air, and handling the ingredients with finesse.
It tasted quite good. I don't really know how to describe it. It's nothing like a Macdonalds, Burger King, Subway. I guess it's uniquely .. Ramly. :)